Primary colors
Primary colors are the most prominent brand colors.
Our brand values guide our core beliefs and behaviors as individuals and as an organization. They are infused in our culture and how we do business.
We push the limits of what is possible by being self-assured and self-aware
In the face of fear and uncertainty, we act smart and power on!
Love who you are and what you do in all you are and all you do.
Relate and align by leading with empathy
Primary colors are the most prominent brand colors.
Secondary colors are used to support the primary brand colors and are often seen in gradients, backgrounds, and accents throughout various brand activations.
Neutral colors are used throughout our branding for default white, black, and grays. Typically you'll see these as backgrounds, text colors, and are typically the most commonly used colors.
Utility colors are used for things like success messages, notifications, warnings, and error messages.
Gradients are an important aspect of the Stackit visual brand. They can serve as background graphics in presentations, web pages, social posts etc. They can also be used as background fill for fonts and icons.
Icons are symbols that should be simple and easy to understand by most (if not all) regions and always paired with copy. Use them sparingly and with intention—not as decoration or as a substitute for illustration. We did the work for you creating our icon library, so there’s no need to create your own.
Icons can be placed on solid color backgrounds, within branded shapes or inside circles. In any case, backgrounds should come from our core or secondary color palette.